We Can Create a Tailored Digital Marketing Solution For Your Business, No Matter What Industry. 我们会根据您的目标和需求来打造一个适合您的推广方案!
We Will Develop, Manage, and Monitor Your Red App account, content, and Advertising Campaigns. 我们会以最有效率的方式帮您建起账户,拍摄内容,以及搭建付费广告.
Our Data Geeks Will Dig Out All the Valuable Data From Your Advertising Campaigns or Website. We Will Use the Data To Optimize Your Ads & Even Your Offline Business To Improve Your Overall Business Objectives。 让我们的数据分析师来提供有效的数据报告和优化方案来为您的广告提高效率+减轻预算成本。
让我们的小红书专家帮你搭建好您的账户+优化+定位. (Our Red App specialist will create your account, optimize your account content, and set up demographic targeting for your account.)
加拿大本地华人博主KOL内容制作+直播. (Content creation and livestream from Canadian local Red App influencers )
我们的推广团队会为您打造一个适合您的推广方案 + 定期给您数据报告!Our team will develop an advertising plan that is tailored to your business + periodically provide you with insights and reports.
我们强大的短视频制作团队能为您拍摄最好的短视频以及图文. We work with Toronto's best videographers and photographers to generate the best content for your brand and social media at an affordable price.
At Gizmo Sharks, we will first explain the scope of any paid advertising projects including all potential risks & opportunities. We will only start our engagement once you fully understand and aware of what is going on.